Reliability of Eurofit physical fitness items for adolescent males with and without mental retardation

Ciaran Mac Donncha, Anthony W.S. Watson, Terence McSweeney, Daniel J. O'Donovan

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The purpose was to examine the reliability of physical fitness items from the Eurofit Test Battery for adolescent males with mild mental retardation (MMR: n = 63, mean IQ = 63.0 ± 11.5, mean age = 15.5 ± 1.2) and those without (n = 22, mean age = 15.6 ± 0.6). Males with MMR scored significantly lower (p < .005) than those without on all items except sum of skinfolds, height, and weight. Intraclass correlations (ICCs) ranged from .94 to .99 for males with MMR and .85 to .99 for those without. Percentage error of the mean for all items ranged from 0.5 to 47.5% for participants with MMR and 0.4 to 32.2% for those without. ICCs indicated that Eurofit physical fitness test items are reliable measures for males with and without MMR. However, the percentage error of the mean is quite large for sit-and-reach and 20-m shuttle test (20-MST) items.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)86-95
Number of pages10
JournalAdapted Physical Activity Quarterly
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1999

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