Research quality in physical education and sport pedagogy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This manuscript attempts to unpack a number of issues around the phrase 'quality research in physical education and sport pedagogy'. The following questions serve as the frame for discussion: What is the purpose of research? What is good research and who says it is good? What do we hope to accomplish with research? Who do we serve with our research? Who should we serve? What are the researchers' responsibilities to the field, to colleagues, to practitioners, and to others? The manuscript begins with a discussion of several principles of inquiry for consideration in the design, implementation, and dissemination of quality research. A discussion of the researcher's evolution of a researcher and anecdotes from her research experiences is used to problematize the research enterprise. The political nature of the current research enterprise is presented followed by a discussion of the responsibilities of physical education and sport pedagogy researchers and the broader scholarly community to supporting high quality research in physical education and sport pedagogy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)245-260
Number of pages16
JournalSport, Education and Society
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2007


  • Physical education research
  • Research methods
  • Research quality
  • Sport pedagogy research


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