Retrospective comparison of laboratory based versus point-of-care Haemoglobin a1c testing

M. Zia, A. Ijaz, O. Blake, J. Saunders, O. Neylon, C. O’Gorman

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Aim The aim of this study was to look at the precision and accuracy of Point of Care glycosylated haemoglobin (POC-HbA1c) compared with laboratory-measured HbA1c (Lab-HbA1c). Methods Retrospective analysis of the charts of patients attended paediatric diabetes outpatient clinics during January 2018 to July 2019 in University Hospital Limerick (UHL) was conducted. Results In total, 163 patients’ charts were analysed, including 79 females (48.5%) and 84 males (51.5%). Lab-HbA1c data were skewed positively, with a median of 67mmol/mol (IQR (60 to 76). POC- HbA1c data were also positively skewed, median of 61mmol/mol (IQR (55 to 68). The differences between POC- HbA1c and Lab-HbA1c was skewed negatively, median of -6mmol/mol (IQR (-9, -2). Gender, age and month of testing did not affect results.POC-HbA1c was more reliable and accurate when tested within 14 days of Lab-HbA1c. Conclusion POC-HbA1c was comparatively lowered as compared with Lab- HbA1c. The results for POC- HbA1c is most reliable compared with Lab-HbA1c if tested within14 days.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberP333
JournalIrish Medical Journal
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Externally publishedYes


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