Screen printed thick films of NiO and LaFeO3 as gamma radiation sensors

khalil Arshak, O. Korostynska, S. Clifford

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Thick films of nickel oxide (NiO) and perovskite type LaFeO3 were investigated for γ-radiation dosimetry purposes. Samples were fabricated using the thick film screen printing technique. These films were exposed to a 60Co γ-radiation source with a dose rate of 6Gy/min. The effects of γ-radiation on both the optical and the electrical properties of NiO and LaFeO3 films were studied. Absorption spectra for the specimens were recorded and the values of the optical band gap for as-printed and γ-irradiated films were calculated. It was found that the optical band gap values decreased with the increase in radiation dose. To study changes in the electrical properties of the materials, two types of specimens having sandwich metal-semiconductor-metal structure were made with layers of NiO and LaFeO3, respectively. Commercial DuPont 4929 silver paste was used to manufacture electrical contacts. It was observed that radiation induced changes in the electrical properties for both types of thick films, e.g. values of current decreased with an increase in radiation dose. It was found that annealing restored both the electrical and the optical properties of the samples.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)354-360
Number of pages7
JournalSensors and Actuators, A: Physical
Issue number1-3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2004
EventSelected Papers from Eurosensors XVI Prague, Czech Republic - Prague, Czech Republic
Duration: 15 Sep 200218 Sep 2002


  • Gamma radiation
  • LaFeO perovskite
  • Nickel oxide
  • Optical and electrical properties
  • Think films


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