Secure hash algorithm-3(SHA-3) implementation on Xilinx FPGAS, suitable for IoT applications

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Data integrity is a term used when referring to the accuracy and reliability of data. It ensures that data is not altered during operations, such as transfer, storage, or retrieval. Any changes to the data for example malicious intention, unpredicted hardware failure or human error would results in failure of data integrity. Cryptographic hash functions are generally used for the verification of data integrity. For many Internet of Things (IoT) applications, hardware implementations of cryptographic hash functions are needed to provide near real time data integrity checking. The IoT is a world where billions of objects can sense, share information and communicate over interconnected public or private Internet Protocol (IP) networks. This paper provides an implementation of a newly selected cryptographic hash algorithm called Secure Hash Algorithm - 3 (SHA-3) on Xilinx FPGAS (Spartan, Virtex, Kintex and Artix) and also provides the power analysis of the implemented design. An FPGA is the best leading platform of the modern era in terms of flexibility, reliability and re-configurability. In this implementation the core functionality of SHA-3 is implemented using LUT-6 primitives and then these primitives are instantiated for the complete implementation of SHA-3. The Xilinx Xpower tool is used for power analysis of the implemented design. This implementation can be used with IoT applications to provide near real time data integrity checks.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)352-357
Number of pages6
JournalProceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event8th International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST 2014 - Liverpool, United Kingdom
Duration: 2 Sep 20144 Sep 2014


  • Data integrity
  • FPGA
  • IoT
  • SHA-3


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