Security Provision by Using Detection and Prevention Methods to Ensure Trust in Edge-Based Smart City Networks

Abeer Iftikhar, Kashif Naseer Qureshi, Ali A. Altalbe, Khalid Javeed

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The concept of smart cities is unique where the intelligent information technologies have used to form a heterogeneous with the help of edge and fog networks. Edge Computing (EC) has gained attention due to its distributive nature that brings computing resources closer to user devices for fast data communications. These networks are vulnerable to a variety of cyber threats due open network design and architecture and a lack of trusted computing resources. The Denial of Service (DoS) and Sybil attacks are common in these networks and cause of services degradation. Whereas in a Sybil attack, a node illegitimately claims multiple identities and escalate and launch more attacks in the networks. Identification and detection of malicious nodes and evaluating their trustworthiness is a challenging task. This paper proposes a novel Assertive Trust-based Efficient Technique (ATBET) for edge-based smart city networks by calculating the direct, indirect, penalized and cumulative trust. The trust is evaluated by using packet drop rate and the penalized over the transmission paths. The proposed solution detects the attacks and eliminates the malicious or selfish nodes from edge-based networks. The experiment results are conducted in simulation and compared proposed solution with state or the art solutions in terms of trustworthiness level, latency, packet delivery ratio, and network life span.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3338550
Pages (from-to)137529-137547
Number of pages19
JournalIEEE Access
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • assertive trust
  • cumulative trust
  • direct trust
  • DoS
  • edge computing
  • indirect trust
  • smart city networks
  • Sybil
  • total trust
  • trust


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