Sexual violence and traumatic identity change: Evidence of collective post-traumatic growth

Orla T. Muldoon, Alastair Nightingale, Robert Lowe, Siobhan M. Griffin, Grace McMahon, Daragh Bradshaw, Islam Borinca

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Recent research indicates that social identities play a crucial role in the connection between adversity, post-traumatic stress, and overall psychological well-being. Understanding of how trauma influences collective dimensions of the self, positively or negatively, is limited. This study focuses on analysing publicly accessible narratives of four women who chose to waive their anonymity after the conviction of the men who had attacked and sexually assaulted them in Ireland. Thematic analysis highlighted two themes that signal (i) collective dimensions to this personal trauma, (ii) attempts to reconstruct social identities in the aftermath of trauma. Women presented their experiences as having the potential to amplify positive connections with others despite the wider embedded sociocultural understanding of sexual assault. These changes were associated with redefinition of social identities. Discussion highlights the potential for personal and intimate trauma to result in positive social identity change; a phenomenon that we label collective post-traumatic growth.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1372-1382
Number of pages11
JournalEuropean Journal of Social Psychology
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023


  • collective growth
  • post-traumatic growth
  • sexual assault
  • social identity
  • trauma


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