Simple rules for sensemaking praxis: How HR can contribute to strategic change by developing sensemaking capability in organisations

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper explores how sensemaking theory offers a new perspective on HR's role during strategic change. As change in organisations today is less of a programme and more of a continuous cycle of business transformation, there has been a shift in focus to its underpinning, cognitive process of sensemaking. However, HR's role in developing sensemaking praxis in organisations is not widely researched to date. This paper addresses that gap. We draw on Eisenhardt and Sull's ‘simple rules’ whereby complex strategy praxis is reduced to a highly translatable, small number of key rules (2001). Through a diary study of middle managers engaging in strategic change, we investigate their real-time, lived sensemaking praxis. We conclude that HR have a significant contribution to play in developing an organisation's sensemaking praxis through four Simple Rules of Sensemaking: (1) plan creative discourse opportunities, (2) ensure leader-middle manager parity, (3) mutually direct sensemaking through ongoing re-planning and re-prioritisation, and (4) ensure leadership effort continues beyond the initiation of strategic change.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)299-320
Number of pages22
JournalHuman Resource Management Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • change management
  • HR change agent
  • sensemaking


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