Singular fios in sar imaging, II: Transmitter and receiver at different speeds

G. Ambartsoumian, R. Felea, V. P. Krishnan, C. J. Nolan, E. T. Quinto

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In this article, we consider two bistatic cases arising in synthetic aperture radar imaging: when the transmitter and receiver are both moving with different speeds along a single line parallel to the ground in the same direction or in the opposite directions. In both cases, we classify the forward operator F as a Fourier integral operator with fold/blowdown singularities. Next we analyze the normal operator FF in both cases (where F is the L2-adjoint of F). When the transmitter and receiver move in the same direction, we prove that FF belongs to a class of operators associated to two cleanly intersecting Lagrangians, Ip,l(∆, C1). When they move in opposite directions, FF is a sum of such operators. In both cases artifacts appear, and we show that they are, in general, as strong as the bona fide part of the image. Moreover, we demonstrate that as soon as the source and receiver start to move in opposite directions, there is an interesting bifurcation in the type of artifact that appears in the image.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)591-621
Number of pages31
JournalSIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Blowdown singularities
  • Elliptical radon transforms
  • Fold
  • Singular Fourier integral operators
  • Synthetic aperture radar


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