Social sustainability in design: Moving the discussions forward

Muireann McMahon, Tracy Bhamra

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper describes a Delphi Study conducted to begin filling the definitional deficits that exist in the discussions around social sustainability in design. The results from three rounds of the study opened a rich and multi-layered debate amongst a panel of experts from across the spectrum of design and sustainability. The paper opens by establishing a contextual background for the study and then follows with the delivery of the Delphi Study rounds and outcomes produced by the productive back and forth dialogue between researcher and experts. In conclusion, the paper presents a ‘living’ construct for social sustainability in design, as well as a framework of practical competencies designers should demonstrate to move the discussion in a more pragmatic direction.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)367-391
Number of pages25
JournalDesign Journal
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Design education
  • Design research
  • Design theory
  • Sustainable design


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