Spatial interaction between tissue pressure and skeletal muscle perfusion during contraction

C. C. Van Donkelaar, J. M. Huyghe, W. J. Vankan, M. R. Drost

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The vascular waterfall theory attributes decreased muscle perfusion during contraction to increased intramuscular pressure (PIM) and concomitant increase in venous resistance. Although PIM is distributed during contractions, this theory does not account for heterogeneity. This study hypothesises that pressure heterogeneity could affect the interaction between PIM rise and perfusion. Regional tissue perfusion during submaximum (100kPa) tetanic contraction is studied, using a finite element model of perfused contracting skeletal muscle. Capillary flow in muscles with one proximal artery and vein (SIM1) and with an additional distal artery and vein (SIM2) is compared. Blood flow and pressures at rest and PIM during contraction (∼25kPa maximally) are similar between simulations, but capillary flow and venous pressure differ. In SIM2, venous pressure and capillary flow correspond to PIM distribution, whereas capillary flow in SIM1 is less than 10% of flow in SIM2, in the muscle half without draining vein. This difference is caused by a high central PIM, followed by central venous pressure rise, in agreement with the waterfall theory. The high central pressure (SIM1), obstructs outflow from the distal veins. Distal venous pressure rises until central blood pressure is reached, although local PIM is low. Adding a distal vein (SIM2) restores the perfusion. It is concluded that regional effects contribute to the interaction between PIM and perfusion during contraction. Unlike stated by the vascular waterfall theory, venous pressure may locally exceed PIM. Although this can be explained by the principles of this theory, the theory does not include this phenomenon as such.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)631-637
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Biomechanics
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2001
Externally publishedYes


  • Blood flow
  • Finite element model
  • Intramuscular pressure
  • Muscle mechanics
  • Vascular waterfall


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