Supporting Erasmus students through integrating reflective practices in the curriculum: The CONNECT project

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There is considerable evidence that suitable preparation for the Erasmus experience can make a significant difference to students. Often, however, institutions have to battle to provide in-depth pre-departure training, and re-entry events or training are too seldom available. Following Erasmus there is rarely space in the curriculum of the home university for reflection, assessment and the integration of the experiences and multi-faceted learning that took place abroad. This article argues that the challenge is therefore to integrate meaningful reflections and assessment into more traditional modules, such as literature-based ones. Accordingly, this article presents some options of how to integrate re-entry reflections in the form of a module on travel literature as well as a voluntary re-entry module that can be offered to returning students irrespective of their course of study. Components of the Erasmus+ CONNECT training programme serve as an example of training material.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)69-88
Number of pages20
JournalStudy Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 24 Feb 2020


  • Digital learning
  • Intercultural learning
  • Reflective learning
  • Social and personal development


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