The complex Lorenz equations

A. C. Fowler, J. D. Gibbon, M. J. McGuinness

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We have undertaken a study of the complex Lorenz equations x ̇ = -σx + σy. y ̇ = (r - z)x - ay. z ̇ = -bz + 1 2(x*y + xy*). where x and y are complex and z is real. The complex parameters r and a are defined by r = r1 + ir2; a = 1 - ie and σ and b are real. Behaviour remarkably different from the real Lorenz model occurs. Only the origin is a fixed point except for the special case e + r2 = 0. We have been able to determine analytically two critical values of r1, namely r1c and r1c . The origin is a stable fixed point for 0 < r1 < r1c, but for r1 > r1c, a Hopf bifurcation to a limit cycle occurs. We have an exact analytic solution for this limit cycle which is always stable if σ <b + 1. If σ > + 1 then this limit is only stable in the region r1c < r1 < rlc. When r1 > rlc, a transition to a finite amplitude oscillation about the limit cycle occurs. The nature of this bifurcation is studied in detail by using a multiple time scale analysis to derive the Stuart-Landau amplitude equation from the original equations in a frame rotating with the limit cycle frequency. This latter bifurcation is either a sub- or super-critical Hopf-like bifurcation to a doubly periodic motion, the direction of bifurcation depending on the parameter values. The nature of the bifurcation is complicated by the existence of a zero eigenvalue.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)139-163
Number of pages25
JournalPhysica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jan 1982
Externally publishedYes


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