The future of paediatric surgery outside specialist paediatric hospitals

A. O'Donovan, H. Varadaraj, P. V. Delaney, H. Flood, J. Drumm, P. A. Grace

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background. In Ireland, general surgeons provide paediatric surgical services to patients remote from specialist paediatric units. Aim. To review general paediatric surgical services in the Mid-Western Health Board (MWHB) region with a view to informing future policy decisions in Ireland. Methods. From 1995 to 2000, the paediatric surgical workload at the Mid-Western Regional Hospital was reviewed. Operations performed, level of operating surgeon, morbidity and mortality were recorded. Results. There were 3,166 general paediatric surgical patients cared for by three general surgeons and one urologist, all with paediatric surgical training. There was an increase in day cases (55% to 70%) and operations at which the consultant was the main operator (40% to 67%). There was no mortality and the morbidity rate was less than 1%. Conclusions. General paediatric surgery and urology is well provided for in the MWHB by appropriately trained surgeons. Lack of opportunity for surgeons in training to obtain general paediatric surgical experience will put this service at risk as the current cohort of surgeons retire. Expansion in specialist paediatric surgical services, changes in general surgical training to include general paediatric surgery or proleptic appointments may be required.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberBF03167783
Pages (from-to)228-230
Number of pages3
JournalIrish Journal of Medical Science
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2001
Externally publishedYes


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