The need for and value of nurse and midwife prescribing: Findings from an Irish research investigation

Donna M. Wilson, Anne Fahy, Mavis A. Nam, Jill Murphy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the need for and value of nurse and midwife prescribing in Ireland as identified by these prescribers—the people most able to provide relevant insights and information. Background: Since 2007, nurses and midwives in Ireland who have passed an additional educational program can prescribe medicinal products relative to their clinical practice areas. Research evidence of efficacy is needed now for prescribing sustainability in Ireland and to encourage, if successful, the adoption or expansion of frontline nurse/midwife prescribing rights in other countries. Design: A qualitative study was undertaken. Methods: Interviews with registered nurse and midwife prescribers were conducted in 2017 until data saturation. Constant-comparative coding and categorization of data revealed themes and categories, with explanatory quotes for research trustworthiness and credibility purposes. Results: Six data themes emerged: (a) more than just writing prescriptions; (b) highly individualized evidence-based specialist care; (c) assured, timely and rapid accessibility to needed care; (d) health system and healthcare efficiency gains; (e) satisfaction with nurse/midwife prescriber services and (f) quality care improvements. Conclusion: Nurse/midwife prescribing in Ireland was identified as needed, safe, effective and cost-effective. Prescribing permitted accessible, thorough and proactive holistic health promotive care to be provided in nurse- or midwife-led outpatient clinics.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere12877
Pages (from-to)-
JournalInternational Journal of Nursing Practice
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2021


  • medications
  • midwife
  • nurse
  • prescribing
  • qualitative research
  • scope of practice


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