The profunda femoris: A durable outflow vessel in aortofemoral surgery

Edmond J. Prendiville, Paul E. Burke, Mary Paula Colgan, Bee L. Wee, Dermot J. Moore, D. Gregor Shanik

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Aorta-common femoral artery bypass is the standard operation for relief of aortoiliac occlusive disease. When extensive superficial femoral artery disease coexists, the profunda femoris, even in its distal portion, may be used as the outflow vessel. To test this assumption we compared cumulative patency, limb salvage, and the need for distal bypass of 134 aorta-profunda femoris and 151 aorta-common femoral artery bypasses performed consecutively for aortoiliac occlusive disease over a 12-year period. We also analyzed results of proximal (n = 103) and distal (n = 31) aortoprofunda bypasses. Angiographic and noninvasive studies showed greater disease in limbs undergoing aorta-profunda femoris bypass. However, no difference was observed in cumulative patency (91% ± 6% vs 96% ± 3%) or limb salvage (90% ± 6% vs 94% ± 3%) at 5 years. Seventeen distal bypasses in the group undergoing profunda femoris bypass and 20 distal bypasses in the group undergoing common femoral artery bypass were required to maintain limb salvage. Proximal and distal aorta-profunda femoris bypasses showed no difference in cumulative patency (91% ± 9% vs 95% ± 6%) or limb salvage (94% in each group) at 3 years. Standard aorta-common femoral artery and aorta-profunda femoris bypass provide cumulative patency and limb salvage exceeding 90% at 5 years; concomitant or subsequent distal bypass was required in 12% or limbs undergoing aorta-profunda femoris bypasses. Both proximal and distal profunda femoris arteries provide a durable outflow tract when aortoiliac and femoropopliteal occlusive disease are combined.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)23-29
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Vascular Surgery
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jul 1992
Externally publishedYes


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