Top-down or bottom-up? The selection of shadow rapporteurs in the European Parliament

Frank M. Häge, Nils Ringe

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Shadow rapporteurs play an important role in developing the European Parliament’s collective policy positions and in defending them in inter-institutional negotiations. This study sheds light on the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of shadow rapporteur selection. Qualitative insights from practitioner interviews and a quantitative analysis of shadow rapporteur data from the 7th European Parliament (2009–2014) indicate that the appointment process is primarily one of bottom-up self-selection by group members based on their policy interests. The party group leadership, in the form of group coordinators, plays an important coordinating role when there is competition for a shadow rapporteurship. However, the role of group coordinators is more akin to a third-party arbiter of competing demands than a mechanism of top-down control by the leadership, as suggested by principal-agent theory.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)706-727
Number of pages22
JournalEuropean Union Politics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2020


  • Delegation
  • European Parliament
  • principal-agent theory
  • self-selection
  • shadow rapporteurs


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