Towards a knowledge typology for new product development engineering processes

B. Donnellan, B. Fitzgerald

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In today's competitive and turbulent environment companies engaged in New Product Development (NPD) need to have a sophisticated understanding of the types of knowledge critical to the each phase of the NPD process. These types of knowledge are used in so-called "stage-gate" NPD processes. This paper will describe a typical NPD stage-gate process and indicate the critical knowledge types needed at the different stages. The identification of the critical knowledge used at each stage was done by combining knowledge of the literature and practical experience of running NPD processes in an industrial setting. The different types of knowledge required at different stages of the development process will be described and elaborated on. When providing knowledge management systems to support the NPD process, one needs to consider providing a system that can cater for knowledge that may take different forms. This research contributes to our understanding of the nature of those knowledge forms.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2004
EventProceedings - 2004 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference: Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development, IEMC 2004 - , Singapore
Duration: 18 Oct 200421 Oct 2004


ConferenceProceedings - 2004 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference: Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development, IEMC 2004


  • Knowledge Management Systems
  • Knowledge Typology
  • New Product Development


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