Understanding the global challenges to accessing appropriate wheelchairs: Position paper

Rosemary Joan Gowran, Nathan Bray, Mary Goldberg, Paula Rushton, Marie Barhouche Abou Saab, David Constantine, Ritu Ghosh, Jonathan Pearlman

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


Introduction: Appropriate wheelchairs are often essential for the health and wellbeing of people with mobility impairments to enhance fundamental freedoms and equal opportunity. To date, provision has mainly focused on just delivering the wheelchair instead of following an evi-dence-based wheelchair service delivery process. In addition, many governments have not commit-ted to a national wheelchair provision policy. Approach: To prepare this position paper, a systemic development model, founded on the sustainable human security paradigm, was employed to ex-plore the global challenges to accessing appropriate wheelchairs. Positions: I: Consideration of key perspectives of wheelchair provision across the life course is essential to meet the needs to children, adults, older people and their families; II: Comprehensive wheelchair service delivery processes and a competent workforce are essential to ensure appropriate wheelchair service provision; III: Evaluations on wheelchair product quality development, performance and procurement standards are key as wheelchair product quality is generally poor; IV: Understanding the economic landscape when providing wheelchairs is critical. Wheelchair funding systems vary across jurisdictions; V: Establishing wheelchair provision policy is a key priority, as specific policy is limited globally. Con-clusion: The vision is to take positive action to develop appropriate and sustainable wheelchair service provision systems globally, for me, for you, for us.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3338
JournalInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2021


  • Appropriate wheelchairs
  • Assistive technology
  • Human security
  • Sustainable development


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