Utilisation of a cell-free extract of lactic acid bacteria entrapped in yeast to enhance flavour development in Cheddar cheese

Anil B. Yarlagadda, Martin G. Wilkinson, Siobhan P. Ryan, Imelda A. Doolan, Maurice G. O'sullivan, Kieran N. Kilcawley

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A lactococcal cell-free extract (CFE) was successfully entrapped in freeze-dried attenuated yeast. The entrapment process involved passive diffusion of enzymes from the CFE into the yeast during hydration. The entrapped CFE was subsequently added during Cheddar cheese production and its impact on a range of ripening parameters compared to added attenuated yeast or CFE alone. Statistically significant differences were evident for secondary proteolysis, sensory attributes and volatiles, which were related to enhanced enzymatic and metabolic activity from the attenuated yeast and entrapped CFE. This study highlights the potential of attenuated yeast as a vector to augment flavour development in Cheddar cheese.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-30
Number of pages10
JournalInternational Journal of Dairy Technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2014


  • Cell-free extract
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Entrapment
  • Yeast


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