Virtual lab for wireless sensor networks

Dorel Picovici, Anghel Vasile Contiu, Adina Topa, John Nelson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article details an experimental system developed to enhance the education and research in the area of wireless networks technologies. The system referred, as Virtual Lab (VL) is primarily targeting first time users or users with limited experience in programming and using wireless sensor networks. The VL enables a set of predefined sensor networks to be remotely accessible and controlled for constructive and time-efficient experimentation. In order to facilitate the user's wireless sensor applications, the VL is using three main components: a) a Virtual Lab Motes (VLM), representing the wireless sensor, b) a Virtual Lab Client (VLC), representing the user's tool to interact with the VLM and c) a Virtual Lab Server (VLS) representing the software link between the VLM and VLC. The concept has been proven using the moteiv produced Tmote Sky modules. Initial experimental use clearly demonstrates that the VL approach reduces dramatically the learning curve involved in programming and using the associated wireless sensor nodes. In addition the VL allows the user's focus to be directed towards the experiment and not towards the software programming challenges.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)37-42
Number of pages6
JournalAdvances in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2008


  • Terms-moteiv
  • Tmote sky
  • Virtual clients
  • Virtual lab wireless networks
  • Wireless sensors


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