Web technologies used in the commercial banks in Finland

Pavel Petrov, Stefan Krumovich, Nikola Nikolov, Georgi Dimitrov, Vladimir Sulov

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The publication presents the results of empirical research on web technologies used in the home pages of the Finland commercial banks authorized under Finland Legislation to carry on commercial banking business and supervised by the Finland Financial Supervisory Authority (F I N - F S A) . The home pages of 9 commercial banks were studied. Our survey reveals details about the proportion of the web technologies used in the respective web sites. The mean home page size is around 2.5 M B (±3.7 SD, median - 1.3) and the share of the images is around 4 1 % . The share of the other web components is as follows: JavaScript programs - around 35%, C S S files - 10%, Font files - 7%. The size of the main H T M L file is only 7% of the size of whole web page. The mean total number of requests that the web browser makes in order to display the home page is around 64 separate requests - 23 requests for images, 19 for JavaScript, 7 for C S S files, 6 for Font files. Only one of the surveyed web sites is using H T T P / 2 . The rest are using as minimum H T T P 1.1. Near 56% of the sites are using Symantec S S L certificates and again near 56% are using 2 years long certificates.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationComputer Systems and Technologies - 19th International Conference, CompSysTech 2018 - Proceedings
EditorsBoris Rachev, Angel Smrikarov
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery
Number of pages5
ISBN (Electronic)9781450364256
Publication statusPublished - 13 Sep 2018
Event19th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech 2018 - Ruse, Bulgaria
Duration: 13 Sep 201814 Sep 2018

Publication series

NameACM International Conference Proceeding Series


Conference19th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech 2018


  • Finland commercial banks
  • Home page
  • S S L certificate
  • Web site
  • Web technologies


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