What is a hate crime?

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The term hate crime is instinctively understood across policy and practice domains, but is defined differently across contexts. Whilst it is accepted that a standard universal and internationally accepted definition of a hate crime is not possible or desirable, I will seek to create common definitional boundaries for the term hate crime, which allows for jurisdictional flexibility whilst retaining a common core of understanding. In doing so, I will set out the parameters of the concept, and then articulate the reasons for excluding particular manifestations of targeted hostility from its remit. I will finally describe the core constituent elements of a hate crime, and move towards a proposal for definitional boundaries for the term hate crime that applicable across scholarly and policy domains.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1902643
JournalCogent Social Sciences
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • European law
  • Hate crime
  • hate speech
  • hate studies
  • microaggressions


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