Why is it so difficult to reduce gender inequality in male-dominated higher educational organizations? A feminist institutional perspective

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Using a Feminist Institutional perspective, and drawing on a wide range of evidence in different institutions and countries, this article identifies the specific aspects of the structure and culture of male-dominated higher educational organizations that perpetuate gender inequality. Gender inequality refers to the differential evaluation of women and men, and of areas of predominantly female and predominantly male employment. It is reflected at a structural level in the under-representation of women in senior positions and at a cultural level in the legitimacy of a wide range of practices to value men and to facilitate their access to such positions and to undervalue women and to inhibit their access. It shows that even potentially transformative institutional interventions such as Athena SWAN have had little success in reducing gender inequality. It highlights the need to recognize the part played by the ‘normal’ structures and culture in perpetuating gender inequality.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)207-228
Number of pages22
JournalInterdisciplinary Science Reviews
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2 Apr 2020


  • Athena SWAN
  • career paths
  • culture
  • feminist institutional perspective
  • Gender inequality
  • harassment
  • higher educational organizations
  • leadership


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