“Workin for a Livin”: Mediating the role of perceived support, work engagement, and organizational citizenship behavior in the hospitality sector

Hannah McManus, Tony Dundon, Jonathan Lavelle

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Previous research on employee engagement outcomes have generated mixed results. Importantly, little research has considered the HR implications of employee support systems in the hospitality industry, seen as a precarious sector, yet one where employees are expected to be highly engaged. This study examines the mediating role of work engagement (WE) in the relationship between perceived workplace support and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) at three levels in the hospitality sector in Ireland: the organization (OCB-O), inter-coworkers (OCB-I), and customer levels (OCB-C). Data are collected from 304 employees. Results subject to structural equation modelling. Findings support a mediating role of WE between perceived organisational support and all levels of OCB. The key contribution is that support from co-workers does not cause discretionary behaviour toward the organisation or customers, but only toward colleagues. This is explained by increased WE. These findings have implications for HR managers, and for theory on WE and expected OCB outcomes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number103983
JournalInternational Journal of Hospitality Management
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2025
Externally publishedYes


  • Hospitality
  • Organizational citizenship behavior
  • Perceived co-worker support
  • Perceived organizational support
  • Perceived supervisor support
  • Work engagement


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